Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Cool VL Viewer for Open Sim & SecondLife(R) by Henri Beauchamp

This is my second time giving the Cool VL Viewer a try, the installation is a bit differnt from other TPV's. It is a 2 step process, and you really need to read the instructions. Its not difficult, first you need to download or have the standard SL 1.23 installed, then you simply run the .exe file Henri provides. This will make several modifications to your main SL directory.
The Main SL DownLoad Page
The Cool VL Viewer Home Page

Now Henri is probably one of the first persons to make mods available for the SL viewer, and quite a bit of the code in Phoenix, Ascent and Dolphin were origionaly contributed by him. This viewer has nothing extrodianary about it, it is actually a step back to the old 1.19.x series. And I like that, I have never really been a big fan of the communicate tab. It is so nice to only have 1 mouse click to access Chat, IM, Friends and Groups, I wish more TPV's would adopt this approach.

Another thing that really impressed me was that my inventory actually loaded completely without having to re-logg a half a dozen times

 ( I have over 40,000 items )  it was agonizingly slow. But all the other viewers I have tested so far require multiple re-logg's in order to fully load. That in it's self is a huge accomplishment.
And it does not seem to suffer from the  continuous loop and freeze the application upon exiting. Witch requires me to do a 3 finger salute ( CTRL+ALT+DEL ) and force a shutdown.

Oh well, I been getting used to this problem. All the other 1,2x viewers seem to be exhibiting this same flaw.

This is very lean, mean, ready to go grid hopping machine.
It's radar feature I have come to rely on in several other viewers, is an option when you press

 CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+R and over all, I will give this a definite thumbs up, if you intend to explore Open Sim, or SL.
JayR Cela

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