Sunday, July 21, 2024

OpenSim : HyperGrid : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : Part 6 : The Urgency of Decision

 By Avatar JayR Cela :

    Immediately following the April 27 meeting with Zeta Worlds, there was the now usual after-meeting.  Unlike the three previous Grid's presentations. This time there was a sense of extreme urgency. The clock was ticking. 3rd Rocks Grid's final day would be May 15 2024. Final, end of that story, and an important chapter in future OpenSim history books would close forever.  

    And so the meeting continues :

Alia Soulstar: David, do you think everyone will decide at one meeting? I can talk to you right now and offer clarity but it will take half an hour at least.

David7 Bravin: If we inform everyone in advance -   giving them the information - it could work.

Georgina Mills: So we have a week to examine the small print of their websites, don't get caught out.  Remember Willy Wonka.

Alia Soulstar: there are 4 websites to scrutinise Georgina.

Georgina Mills: Yes

Alia Soulstar: The document I linked you to is the relevant information.

Georgina Mills: Caveat Emptor, buyer beware

Alia Soulstar: and that can be disseminated to all our members, but it still needs unpacking.

PurplePenny Broome: An email to fee paying landowners should be a priority.  I only found out because I read the MInutes of the last two meetings

Alia Soulstar: my point Penny

David7 Bravin: WE could just send out the link to the document with an explanation

Alia Soulstar: We understand the stresses the board are under but there should be communication

Dolfke Barbosa: We need to decide fast David, the grid will close in 2 weeks

David7 Bravin: understood

Dolfke Barbosa: so a meeting tomorrow is primordial

Lorin Tone: I can't be here tomorrow, but I'm just a shadow under Alia's avatar, so my votes go with hers, lol.  Whichever choice or choices made by this grid's community, I'll get involved with them.

Dolfke Barbosa: we need a decision to what Grid we want to move

PurplePenny Broome: Are transcripts of the earlier presentations available?  Not the minutes, the actual chat log?

Alia Soulstar: and we need time to make sure everyone has OARs and avatars to transfer to and who wants land and all that once the decision is made

Dolfke Barbosa: only Eldovar has the OAR's, and only he can make any IAR

David7 Bravin: The Minutes of those presenations ate essentially the chat logs. Penny - I do have the Chat Logs as well -  but they won't say anything different.

Dolfke Barbosa: Everything is coverd in Alia's Document, Penny :

Dolfke Barbosa: May I summarise a little ?

PurplePenny Broome: Yes, but there is a lot to learn from the chat about the personalities of the grid's personnel, not just what they presented.

Dolfke Barbosa: Wolf Territories does not provide us an option of getting our own server

PurplePenny Broome: And that is important to me

Dolfke Barbosa: AMV neither

Ellemir Maven: Incorrect Dolfke, AMV does have a server option.

Dolfke Barbosa: Barefoot and Zeta offer us our own server.

Ellemir Maven: but its either very expensive, or shared

Alia Soulstar: What I will say is this... We are going to make a choice about which grid we will move to, we have narrowed it to 4...But our choice isn't really “which grid?”. There is a deeper choice. Will we move together, as a community, and preserve our lands, our character and our friendships? or will we disperse and go where our individual impulses take us? That's the real choice and that is what you have to read as a subtext into the offers that have been presented to us.

Lorin Tone: "All of the above" is usually my answer to that question, because it's possible

Alia Soulstar: if we choose to merge into a grid without our community assets, then it doesn’t really matter which grid we choose or even if we all choose the same grid

Alia Soulstar: anyway, Please read the document. I am happy to help anyone who needs help deciphering it, though the language is not that technical.

Michel Farrell: Will read that tomorrow.

Alia Soulstar: I'm the least technical person here.

PurplePenny Broome: So are we meeting tomorrow at noon?

Alia Soulstar: I will be here, we can ask our starfleet people to be here, we have their emails.

    The next day's meeting would prove to be... ?

Story to continue in : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure :  Part 7

JayR Cela :_)


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