By Avatar JayR Cela
Hi there everyone, yes there is a new OpenSim viewer available and it is designed specifically for OS and not SecondLife, and I tell ya it's about time. The SceneGate Viewer is based off of the fully opensource code Alchemy viewer, a much improved version if I do say so myself, it is not my favorite and I doubt if I will use it every day, but it clearly has some advantages over other viewers.
#1 A vastly improved render engine over let's say FireStorm or Singularity or anything else I have tried.
#2 Really nice camera controls, very smooth and again, beats the hell out of Singularity while nudging Firestorm back into 2nd or 3rd place, at least in my mind.
#3 Some sanity restored to Voice, it defaults to allowing you to hear all people within a reasonable distance at the same volume level ( FireStorm used to have this feature at one time but nixed it way back when )
#4 It has basic and advanced modes for the user interface or ( Simplified - Extended ) you can find this setting in the preferences menu, bottom tab labeled MODES
#5 Also the inclusion of an updated StarLight Skin system, and this is great for people with vision problems.
I know several people involved on this project, and it is being backed by some major universities as a teaching tool, and let me tell ya these folks have their act together "Big Time!" They have a road map all laid out and in writing along with some excellent documentation on the download website.
Ok it's a good viewer but I do have a few gripes, it is missing some features I regularly use in FS and SIngularity, and that's OK I can live with that. What I cant live with and absolutely refuse to tolerate is the User Chat Interface or C.H.U.I, yep you have heard me complain about this horrid piece of crap before, developed internally by Linden Lab(s) very own Grumipty Product Engine ( Now Grumpity Linden ) It is an overly confusing mess and should have been tossed in the trash years ago. But hey to each their own, you may like it.
Is it worth the download and drive around the block ? Hell Yes It Is !
JayR Cela :_)