Sunday, July 21, 2024

OpenSim : HyperGrid : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : Part 6 : The Urgency of Decision

 By Avatar JayR Cela :

    Immediately following the April 27 meeting with Zeta Worlds, there was the now usual after-meeting.  Unlike the three previous Grid's presentations. This time there was a sense of extreme urgency. The clock was ticking. 3rd Rocks Grid's final day would be May 15 2024. Final, end of that story, and an important chapter in future OpenSim history books would close forever.  

    And so the meeting continues :

Alia Soulstar: David, do you think everyone will decide at one meeting? I can talk to you right now and offer clarity but it will take half an hour at least.

David7 Bravin: If we inform everyone in advance -   giving them the information - it could work.

Georgina Mills: So we have a week to examine the small print of their websites, don't get caught out.  Remember Willy Wonka.

Alia Soulstar: there are 4 websites to scrutinise Georgina.

Georgina Mills: Yes

Alia Soulstar: The document I linked you to is the relevant information.

Georgina Mills: Caveat Emptor, buyer beware

Alia Soulstar: and that can be disseminated to all our members, but it still needs unpacking.

PurplePenny Broome: An email to fee paying landowners should be a priority.  I only found out because I read the MInutes of the last two meetings

Alia Soulstar: my point Penny

David7 Bravin: WE could just send out the link to the document with an explanation

Alia Soulstar: We understand the stresses the board are under but there should be communication

Dolfke Barbosa: We need to decide fast David, the grid will close in 2 weeks

David7 Bravin: understood

Dolfke Barbosa: so a meeting tomorrow is primordial

Lorin Tone: I can't be here tomorrow, but I'm just a shadow under Alia's avatar, so my votes go with hers, lol.  Whichever choice or choices made by this grid's community, I'll get involved with them.

Dolfke Barbosa: we need a decision to what Grid we want to move

PurplePenny Broome: Are transcripts of the earlier presentations available?  Not the minutes, the actual chat log?

Alia Soulstar: and we need time to make sure everyone has OARs and avatars to transfer to and who wants land and all that once the decision is made

Dolfke Barbosa: only Eldovar has the OAR's, and only he can make any IAR

David7 Bravin: The Minutes of those presenations ate essentially the chat logs. Penny - I do have the Chat Logs as well -  but they won't say anything different.

Dolfke Barbosa: Everything is coverd in Alia's Document, Penny :

Dolfke Barbosa: May I summarise a little ?

PurplePenny Broome: Yes, but there is a lot to learn from the chat about the personalities of the grid's personnel, not just what they presented.

Dolfke Barbosa: Wolf Territories does not provide us an option of getting our own server

PurplePenny Broome: And that is important to me

Dolfke Barbosa: AMV neither

Ellemir Maven: Incorrect Dolfke, AMV does have a server option.

Dolfke Barbosa: Barefoot and Zeta offer us our own server.

Ellemir Maven: but its either very expensive, or shared

Alia Soulstar: What I will say is this... We are going to make a choice about which grid we will move to, we have narrowed it to 4...But our choice isn't really “which grid?”. There is a deeper choice. Will we move together, as a community, and preserve our lands, our character and our friendships? or will we disperse and go where our individual impulses take us? That's the real choice and that is what you have to read as a subtext into the offers that have been presented to us.

Lorin Tone: "All of the above" is usually my answer to that question, because it's possible

Alia Soulstar: if we choose to merge into a grid without our community assets, then it doesn’t really matter which grid we choose or even if we all choose the same grid

Alia Soulstar: anyway, Please read the document. I am happy to help anyone who needs help deciphering it, though the language is not that technical.

Michel Farrell: Will read that tomorrow.

Alia Soulstar: I'm the least technical person here.

PurplePenny Broome: So are we meeting tomorrow at noon?

Alia Soulstar: I will be here, we can ask our starfleet people to be here, we have their emails.

    The next day's meeting would prove to be... ?

Story to continue in : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure :  Part 7

JayR Cela :_)


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

OpenSim : HyperGrid : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : Part 5 : Zeta Worlds Grid

 By Avatar JayR Cela :

On April 27 we had a visit from the Zeta Worlds grid team, this is what they were offering.

David7 Bravin: OKay - it looks like everyone is here that's coming...... Greetings and welcome Everyone.This is another special Community meeting to continue considering the future of the 3RG Community. We have special visitors here today from ZetaWorlds  Grid, who will be giving us a presentation shortly. I would now like to welcome and  introduce Vincent.Sylvester and  Edison.Rex from ZetaWorlda Grid.Please do not interrupt their presentation and keep any questions to the end - not forgetting to "Raise a Hand" first - and wait to be called. Vincent and Edison -  Please go ahead.

Edison.Rex okay, well. I think we can start with the history of Zetaworlds. Zetaworlds is over 11 years old now, We have servers in both North America and Europe. Our grid runs on Opensim software based on core, but modified.

Vincent.Sylvester It originally started just as a way for testing things, not really doing much headway in community. It evolved over the years into what it is now.

Edison.Rex We've had a free land programme for years now, and we also allow self hosting. I'll let Vincent tak about our approach to grid management.

Vincent.Sylvester @hg.zetaworlds: These days the focus is on stability and being a good neighbor in the wider community. I highly value education and try to provide a lot of information both technical and in terms of how we approach the metaverse

Edison.Rex if you've seen our website you can see how we build on what is there.

Vincent.Sylvester As it evolved out of a testing platform for new features the aim was always to bring movement into OpenSim itself so over the years we have worked to build a working relationship with the core team

Edison.Rex we were early adopters of ubODE physics, for example

Vincent.Sylvester In terms of community though I leave most of those things to Ed and Kelly here, with a mostly hands-off approach as the saying goes live and let live. It's my goal to allow communities to build how they would like to build and not interfere much unless I have to

Edison.Rex as to that, the terms of service guides that

Vincent.Sylvester For going on 15 years now I have been on and off running communities and engaging with OpenSim, which is what has led to that approach as I think there is much value in providing an open platform like we have. That said I suspect there are some that have heard about some of the policies implemented on our end. The restrictions we put in place to some degree. They are the result of the aforementioned wish to educate on good practices and equally as measure to protect our end. I'm aware that does feel strong handed in some regard, but it is a difficult thing for us to work out. Trying to prevent detrimental effects and staying as open as possible. There is a lot of potential and good in OpenSim and that's worth protecting and fostering, but it needs information. It sounds cliche but knowledge does make a big difference in that regard and over the years it has shown us that it goes such a long way to create a community that critically thinks about problems and seeks solutions that work for everyone. Nobody is perfect and both Ed and Kelly have shown me that there is always things to work on and think about, constant flux if you will. That is why it strikes me very much when I heard about what happened to you. It was almost like a constant that I had relied on suddenly went away. I did send Ed out to see what was needed at first. It was surprising to me to see you reaching out to us, but from the conversations I have had so far it seems that I probably should not have been. While things never align perfectly I do agree that there is quite a bit of overlap in the approach to things, but the extent only time will tell, though I hope regardless of the decisions made that you all find a home your are comfortable with no matter where.

Edison.Rex and with that, we're open to questions.

David7 Bravin: Many thanks for that presentation Vincent and Edison - very interesting......

Are there any questions ?

JayR Cela: I see that your grid is using ubODE physics engine Grid Wide ?

Edison.Rex yes, we moved to ubODE early on

JayR Cela: have you been able to resolve the many problems that seem to be associated with using the ubODE physics engine and Mesh Building structures ?

Edison.Rex that's all down to physics hulls.

Vincent.Sylvester Outside of specific needs that is the default. While Bullet is still available it isn't maintained in core it is still there. It is meant to get updates according to misterblue, but they have not materialized yet.

JayR Cela: your website says open water and land and air travel are possible or is this a standard feature ?

Edison.Rex we have a very large series of regions contiguously joined set up as ocean, and by very large, well over 20 miles each direction last I saw.

Vincent.Sylvester That's part of the policies specific to the Ocean project that Ed maintains yes, it's meant to make sure you don't hit banlines, but of course if there is a need for privacy that isn't set in stone either. The regions themselves are all open though for any vehicles

David7 Bravin: Thanks

Jedburgh Dagger: Can you tell me about your server backup plan, and include how often you verify those are good and working?

Edison.Rex over to Vincent for this comment:

Vincent.Sylvester Every 8 hours a auto backup is made, those are moved daily to a backup location and replicated to an offsite storage as well. They are the basic asset-less oars from the auto backup module. Full database backups of all regions are made daily as well. Manual full oars can be issued via the website for anyone that owns a region. From time to time OpenSim hiccups do result in rolling back stuff, so far that has not failed.

David7 Bravin: Are there any more questions ?

Dolfke Barbosa: on your Website I read, the creation of alternate accounts is discouraged. Creating more than 3 accounts is prohibited and will result in suspension of some or all accounts. For Starfleet we have many ships, and every ship has his own crew, read: alts ..., can that be arranged ?

Edison.Rex TL;DR, yes

Vincent.Sylvester Some of the education customers we have create a lot of accounts for their students so if there is good reason for more accounts to exist that is generally not a problem. The rule mainly exists for those that utilize them for less than nice purposes. The policy is aimed toward abusers.

Dolfke Barbosa: Understood, a second question, are ppl from a dreamworldgrid welcome to your grid, via HG ?

Vincent.Sylvester This goes toward the restrictions I mentioned. A problem that isn't well understood in the metaverse surrounding how OpenSim handles hypergrid data. We found a lot of these installations pop up and create data endpoints that then disappear overnight, which causes OpenSim to fish in the dark trying and locking up its pipes to reach them. The detrimental effects can go as far as preventing teleports to regions in extreme cases. Similarly you have issues with DNS caching not following TTL times and such. It's caused us to restrict access to certain known dynamic dns providers as they failed to update in time.

Edison.Rex if you've got friends lists and group lists which you can't remove yourself from, because that grid is gone, or assets with missing parts.

Georgina Mills: So if I turn off the grid at night it creates a new connection that's different?

Vincent.Sylvester The other thing that goes into this is a legal one. As these setups are open from the start they allow new registrations, which can be used to evade bans or create other havoc. By default they don't provide any way to contact the owners of them or even list who they are. Trying to then resolve problems becomes ten times more difficult and it worries me greatly to whether the operates understand the risks and liabilities of running their grids. We restrict those with a link to more information about those things to try and resolve these. Vincent.Sylvester On windows famously DNS ttl times are just completely ignored. It caches the ip for a domain until you reboot, which can lead to all sorts of funky things. The problem is that if OpenSim cannot connect to an endpoint it keeps trying for 30 seconds and there is only so many spots in the queue for those requests to get stuck in. After a while it just breaks down and kills the http connection, which can lock you out of a region in the worst case. In many cases things like friends, creator data of prims and other stuff can cause these issues and leaving these endpoints around not understanding the gravity of what it might cause. Sure they can be cleaned up on our end, but that's time and effort and it is hard to track where it might be needed.

Ellemir Maven: Sorry, I just want to follow that for a moment.  Because although we got a big long answer, I am not sure if it was a No. I think it was (more) As far as I know there are two kinds of Dreamgrid.  One is a home computer behind a dynamic DNS that might get turned on when someone feels like it.  Those are typically systems I think   The second kind is actual servers, with actual domain namwes that are on the Internet 24 x 7, with Dreamgrid just used as a nice graphical interface to OpenSim.  Does your answer apply to both kinds?  And confirm the answer is no?  And then I have my real question.

Edison.Rex again, Vincent will write something, be patient ;)

Ellemir Maven: Of course. Edison I think you can answer my question though.  I know the import IAR and OAR are manual (open a ticket). Can people backup their region to an OAR on their own or is that a ticket request ?

Vincent.Sylvester When a grid pops up we check their website and see what we are dealing with. If it is dynamic dns then yes those do get blocked and usually stay that way unless it becomes clear they maintain a high availability, which is what the known grids page we have is partly for as well. In terms of new grids that don't use dynamic dns it comes down to their terms of service, if they have at least an email address to contact them under in case there is something we need to let them know. If that's not the case they get blocked, which often results in them contacting us to resolve it. I'd say in 75% of cases they understand the reasoning and supply that information

Ellemir Maven: Thank you.  So the answer to Georgina's question, for the part time grids, is NO they can not HG to Zeta.

Vincent.Sylvester OARs can be requested via the web panel directly, that does not involve a ticket. If an IAR is needed, that's done on ticket request.

Ellemir Maven: and thank you Vincent.  People can backup their region any time they want.

Edison.Rex Correct, we encourage people to do that.

David7 Bravin: Georgina - do you still have a question?

Georgina Mills: Same domain name and fixed IP from my ISP but outworldz domain is banned anyway, I can use an avatar from another grid and join Zetaworlds ?

Lannorra Sion: I am not very technical and your answers to this dreamgrid thing is perplexing for me.  It seems that you are saying you ban first, then if someone contacts you, you MAY allow them, is that right? and i have follow up.

Edison.Rex Vincent will answer this, be patient.

Kelly4u.Lynn May I say something to this?

Edison.Rex please do Kelly

Kelly4u.Lynn The word Ban is incorrect, they get a blocked message, If they read the pop up it directs them to the issue, Then they can fix it.

Edison.Rex We always deal with anybody who is willing to work with us

Lannorra Sion: What is the issue, that they can fix ?

Edison.Rex Our website lists them

Kelly4u.Lynn Most times basic web site info

Edison.Rex any basic contact info

Vincent.Sylvester When they appear as new in the tracked list then we check what their setup is. In most cases with these setups they provide no contact information and within a day the amount of time online vs offline rarely exceeds 50% so to prevent us having to clear tons of dead endpoints from friends entries, creator data etc. then a restriction is put in place that informs them as to why they are being blocked. The problem we face is we don't want to just blankly remove anyone, but without contact information there is no way to let them know about the potential issues it can cause.

Sunbeam Magic: I have 2 questions: 1) what currency systems does Zeta use  2) how many regions per server are alloted ? and comment follow up on how many avatars one can have, do we need to write someone to get permission for more than 3 (on AAcme City I use 4,  2 are my husband's who passed away a year ago... )  each have different textures  and items needed to maintain and such Thank you.

Edison.Rex We use Gloebits, that's our currency. We maintain a direct relationship with Chris Colosi. Vincent can answer 2, and on 3, you would speak with us. As we said the policy is aimed at abusers.

Vincent.Sylvester I track the server performance and if there is enough capacity left regions get deployed on them, if they are full new server or another one it is. Usually try to keep at least 30% headroom on them.

Edison.Rex we have existing roleplay groups, they've spoken with us and we allow multiple alts for that purpose. What we don't like is someone who is a pest, making alts and being more of a pest. We've crossed paths with some real characters.

Sunbeam Magic: AAcme City is not a Role Play city.

Kelly4u.Lynn I watch for and check alts. If for RP I dont need to watch them, If they seek free land or other options I do

Edison.Rex we do not allow alts to take free land if the original has free land, for instance, that's cheating.

Jedburgh Dagger:   What are their policies on copybotted items brought in from other grids?

Edison.Rex define copybotted, first without a takedown notice from a real creator we wouldn't know.

Vincent.Sylvester What you do on your region is your thing. I don't play content policy. If we receive valid takedown requests for content they are investigated and acted upon accordingly. That's the legal requirement we have based on the jurisdiction, but I see regions as private property like any rented apartment so I don't go barge in unless there is good reason for it.

Han BoShi: Back to the locked accounts for DreamWorld grids, I suspect the white listing is then by grid, once one person goes through the process anyone else on that same grid is fine.

Edison.Rex Han is correct for that grid

Vincent.Sylvester Yes. If we can see that a conscious effort is made to understand the implications of grid operation and the hypergrid then there is no reason to restrict them

Ellemir Maven: Someone (I think Sunbeam) was asking about regions per server.  Three of the four grids we have had present, have offered an option where we would get a dedicated server, just for our community. In the case of Zeta, that server would accommodate up to 32 regions.

Edison.Rex in our original conversations we discussed that, our answers here in this meeting are more general.

Vincent.Sylvester Up to and starting at being the key words there. Depending on the scale you need there are different options. Also not out of the option to change hardware if it ends up being too small or not suited well. It's hard to nail that down to numbers when you can have 100 empty regions that use barely any resources or two regions require a whole server in themselves.

Edison.Rex depends on how much land impact, how many scripts and how many people, how much area too.

Vincent.Sylvester I did look at some options that would work and their prices already, would help to have information on how many regions you have now and what resources they consume on the machines they sit on.

Edison.Rex for example we have 120 simulators running the ocean, each with 4 4x4s. but that's kind of extreme, it's not overloaded though. I hope this was helpful. I meant to say to JayR Cela, we can accommodate a Bullet region on its own, although moving scripts is kind of my personal project.

JayR Cela: I have 3 questions please..... 1. Do you offer an in world voice solution(s)? 2. Were you recently affected by the infamous grief-er Priscilla and if so how was this situation dealt with ? 3. Can a region owner move their region to another place on the world map ?

Edison.Rex ah yes, what to do post-vivox, hehe, Vincent will take number 2 and 3. yes. you have to put in a ticket. Priscilla was an interesting one to defeat. I'll let Vincent explain.

Vincent.Sylvester Oh heh that one is funny. We had some fun with that on one of the estate regions, though that's easy to deal with just deleting their objects via console. It amused me greatly, reminds me of the old SL days. Just not leaving rezz rights on is all you need to combat that, though course did ban them as well

Edison.Rex for 1. we're all working to find a good inworld successor to Vivox

Vincent.Sylvester I gave Ed a number of different ban hammers to play with if they want to be crafty.

Edison.Rex and I spend a lot of time tracking those kinds of miscreants

Vincent.Sylvester A new voice in SL is already being tested, when that comes to OpenSim remains to be seen. I been working with core to try and find a way to implement it, but webrtc is a big beast to tackle and we don't yet have a full understanding of the protocol. I suspect that will take some time to resolve and not be as easy as vivox was, though it should offer much better quality. It's been discussed on mantis quite a bit and we are aware that a solution is needed now that SL is pushing it :)

Edison.Rex we would be likely to adopt it early though.

Lorin Tone: OK, it was more a comment on the Vivox issue or lack thereof.  As an inworld sounds guy, I've been keeping up on that topic and a number of potential fixes are in the works, can be in touch all around on that.  end

Edison.Rex thank you

Vincent.Sylvester Vivox should still work, we don't blankly offer that. In the past we just set the registration details up when those that wanted it registered. So if you still have those we can put them in.

Alia Soulstar: First I’d like to thank Vincent, Ed and Kelly for taking the time to speak to us and answer our questions , very kind of you, thank you, you three…

Edison.Rex you're welcome!

Alia Soulstar: And to say that I have a full summary of Zeta’s offer to us and how we would look to work with it, plus those of the other grids we heard from, when I say full, 27 pages of information and analysis,  some of which is subtle, so plenty to digest. And as Zeta is the last grid to present we are in a position to move after this meeting to discuss and come to a decision. We should make that decision within a few days. And I think it would be prudent to have another meeting this weekend, perhaps tomorrow if that can be arranged as we will all be better informed. 

David7 Bravin: THanks Alia, Vincent and Edison - Thanks again for your presentation and answering our questions (including Kelly) .......... On behalf of everyone here,  please accept our thanks for coming here today - much appreciated.

Story to continue in : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : Part 6

JayR Cela :_)