Sunday, July 8, 2012

Firestorm met its Mate (Mint, that is)

Mister Acacia is online

I finally got around to upgrading from Ubuntu 11.10. A short jaunt with 12.04 showed me some problems with it and SL Viewers. But Mint 13 (Maya) with the Mate desktop (a Gnome clone) doesn't have that problem. So I set about moving to Mint Maya.

I have to admit, I miss Unity now that I figured out how to make it work for me. Can't do those things with Mate or Gnome. And I'm not about to put Unity back on here.

See my personal blog for a long entry about how I made SL easy to use for me.

Mister Acacia is offline

1 comment:

JayR Cela said...

Hi there Mister, I'm very happy with Mint 13 and the Mate UI as well.

I have been thinking of rolling my own personalized version of Mint

I'll keep ya up to date on that

JayR :_)