Saturday, December 11, 2010

Viewer 2.4 Pretty in Pink~The Catznip Viewer~With The Starlight Skin

The Catznip SL Viewer is currently being developed by resident Kitty Barnett, with some help from my dear friend Hitomi Tiponi of the famed StarLight V2 skin mod. And yes it does include a Pink and Silver Skin :_)
Skin Selection in Preferences

Performance in FPS was excellent averaging around 25 to 28 and dropping to a respectable 15fps in very crowded Sims.

 This viewer is not listed on the official LL TPV page, but I would not be discouraged by this in any way. Catznip is really just a re-skinned version of V2 Beta4 with some nicely added touch's as well.
Catznip Features
Catznip Release Notes
The above links should be all you need to find out more.
All said and done, this is a great choice for a fun fling out on the town when your in a Pink mood. LOL :_)
Available on Windows & Mac platforms.

Have Fun Ladies

JayR Cela :_)

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