Monday, May 20, 2024

OpenSim : HyperGrid : My Virtual Life After 3rd Rock Grid's Closure

OpenSim : HyperGrid : by Avatar JayR Cela

My virtual life after the recent closure of 3rd Rock Grid is looking rather good right now. On May 15 2024 my home grid for the past 13 years sadly bit the dust. This unfortunate event was something I saw coming about 2 years ago, with the attempt to make a successful upgrade to our OpenSim code from the, 0.8.x to 0.9.x series of open-simulator's main branch went badly. It is not worth going into the details of what,why or who dropped the ball on this move, things did not work out well. It was back in January I came to the conclusion that I was going to have to move to another grid again,and soon.

And so my search began, which grid to choose,who were the people operating the numerous OS-HyperGrid’s out there. I certainly had,had my fill of small grids run by acquaintances, friends and so called OS experts. I wanted cutting edge yet stable modern back-end hardware,and software along with a solid tech team to back up my newly inspired enthusiasm,so I started doing a lot of grid hopping and research. My goal was not only to find just the right for me grid to join, but more importantly, which grids to avoid.  

When the final news was announced that 3RG was closing down for good,4 meetings with different grid owners were arraigned to visit our community,and have their presentations of why we should migrate to that specific grids operations base. In the mean time back in March I just so happened to become friends with one of the admins in the ‘Wolf Territories Grid’or "WTG", and the things she was telling me about WTG were intriguing to say the least. It was at this point I decided to create my ‘JayR Cela’ avatar there,and began transferring portions of my 3RG inventory.

Several weeks later we had our first Grid Owner's presentation in 3rd Rock Grid…..

Story to continue in : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : part 2 next week.

JayR Cela

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