Thursday, June 27, 2024

OpenSim : HyperGrid : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : Part 4 : Barefoot Dreamers Grid.

    On April 20 the crew from the Barefoot Dreamers Grid stopped bye for a visit, Gabe and Hugga were very nice folks and it was a pleasure to meet them. 

 David7 Bravin: So let's get started... Greetings and welcome Everyone. This is another special Community meeting to continue considering the future of the 3RG Community. We have special visitors here today from Barefoot Dreamers  Grid, who will be giving us a presentation. I would now like to welcome and  introduce Huga.Bug and Gabe. Collingwood from Barefoot Dreamers Grid, who will be giving us a presentation. Please do not interrupt their presentation and keep any questions to the end - not forgetting to "Raise a Hand" first - and wait to be called.

Huga.Bug thank you David

Gabe.Collingwood thank you

Huga.Bug Hello First I'd like to thank you for this opportunity to be here today. Gabe & I are the Owners of barefoot dreamers grid, Barefoot is a Dream grid which was created by Fred Bechausen who is also our tech support when needed. I run contabo servers that are based in the USA, they are Windows based as Dream is not designed for Linux, they are 2022 & i back up daily I also have backups offsite as well as with backups on  contabo & my self. We do have events we range from 5-20 on any given event our top number was 35 for Gabes birthday  & we can hold them all with no lag,we respect our residents privacy, as our residents come to relax & just take a break from all their creativity & other virtual world situations they may come into. What we can offer is a server for 3rd rock residents that is exclusive to you,comparable pricing, we have /use discord to get a hold of us 24/7 should you run into a situation, being a smaller grid we offer our personal touch I am very hands on.  I have a great support team should we have any questions to keep our grid running smooth. We have an open door policy and we make ourselves available to all residents not just a select few.

I have been running barefoot dreamers for over 4 yrs now & I also feel it would be a win win situation with your residents & role play members you would have a home & we would grow. We are a smaller grid with loads of potential. We would like you to visit us & see what we have too offer. thank you again for this opportunity & your time.

David7 Bravin: Many thanks for that presentation Huga, Has anyone got a question ?

JayR Cela: several questions please  / Your head Technician is Fred Ferguson ?... Who are or how many backup Techs...and how many Admins do you have ?

Huga.Bug I run the servers if there is any  major issues Fred helps get us back on track. I am the only one in the servers, Gabe Rayne & I are the staff since we are small. Fred Bechausen is his name.

Jedburgh Dagger: About how many regions do you currently host?

Huga.Bug 93 total.

Lannorra Sion: I just have a comment.  I have a non-commercial grid, Phantom Rose, that is also a DreamGrid.  It came on line in Jan 2019 and has been running 24/7, since then with very little down time.  I have the equivalent of 83 sims and I just want to say, I think DreamGrids are very successful.  And a lot more robust than many people realize.

Huga.Bug Thank you Lannora,we agree.

Alia Soulstar: Can i ask what the pricing would be for a dedicated server, what is its capacity regions/prims and what are the limits in terms of Var sizing?

Huga.Bug yes one moment.

Huga.Bug for 16 cores it is 266$usd,var sizing we have had 4 10x10's no issue. We also have had 2 farms no issues,the prims depending size go to 80000. There really is not a limit on prims on the regions that is just a base number

Alia Soulstar: right, so would we purchase the server and give you details of land allocation or would you just create our lands off your ratecard and poke them on that server?

Huga.Bug we would purchase the server.

Alia Soulstar: yes, I meant hire it off you

Huga.Bug we  will place lands & place them accordingly.

Gabe.Collingwood correct

Huga.Bug yes Alia great question

David7 Bravin: and the pricing ?

Huga.Bug for land? or server?

David7 Bravin: for both please

Alia Soulstar: ok so just to clarify, that $266 is the cost to us and we fill it though you?

Huga.Bug 1x1 is 5$ 2x2 is 10$ 3x3 is 20$ 4x4 is 35$ 5x5 are 50$

David7 Bravin: Thanks

Ellemir Maven: This is just a follow to the server questing.  For 266 a month, you add a sixteen core physical server to the grid, and that's just for our use (not shared with others) and we can have as many regions on there as we want (to some practical limit)

Gabe.Collingwood yes

Huga.Bug correct

Ellemir Maven: Based on the little I know about Dream Grid, if you lost your primary server, your approach for recovery would be to replace the server, reinstall Dreamgrid and then restore the backups.  True?

Huga.Bug yes

Georgina Mills: How many prims on the 1x1 2x2 3x3 etc? Avatar limits? How many avatars allowed?

Huga.Bug all regions begin with 40,000 then can be added  without extra fees, we can hold 35 with no lag.

Gabe.Collingwood as many as you want

JayR Cela: Do you have a preferred physics engine or is this select able by the region owner - estate manager ?

Gabe.Collingwood you can select it as you want or need .

Huga.Bug as for engine if you have a preference  you just let me know.

Alia Soulstar: What is your average daily traffic like Huga or Gabe? On non event days?

Huga.Bug we get most of our traffic to our huge mall about 20+ daily

Alia Soulstar: and do you have a busy event calendar?

Huga.Bug not at the moment we have 2 days week at moment

Gabe.Collingwood we had a dj /resident pass away

Jedburgh Dagger: Because it is a topic on everyone's mind, do you have a contingency plan in case of incapacity or unavailability for the servers Gabe?

Gabe.Collingwood yes we do,great question.

JayR Cela: how is event scheduling and posting them to the BFDreamers event calendar handled ?

Huga.Bug rayne does our posting & makes sure calender is up to date

JayR Cela: posting trouble tickets on the BFDremers grids website is handled how ?

Gabe.Collingwood you would use discord we have a help channel

Huga.Bug I check those continuously through the day

Gabe.Collingwood and other channels, we both have discord on our phones also to be reached.

JayR Cela: so is the posting of a trouble Ticket handled thru a Discord account or the BFDreamers website or both ?

Huga.Bug both

Thoria Millgrove: Could you give a bit more background on your contingency planning? You have to understand that we are very sensitive to that here due to recent events

Huga.Bug Gabe is my  backup for the servers

Thoria Millgrove: Meaning he has full access to them if necessary?

Huga.Bug Rayne is my right hand so if I were to become ill  or an able to do my part they know how to run the gird, yes.

Gabe.Collingwood yes

JayR Cela: I just want to say that for myself I find Discord can be a nightmare to get working properly / I must be behind the times.

Huga.Bug JayR i use skype also.

JayR Cela: the point I was trying to make is 1 way to initiate a support ticket / the 1 standard properly supported way,not 2 or 3 or 4 ways.

Huga.Bug discord is handled quickest, I use website for those who do not use discord.

Prim Ativ: Two Questions.... what are your thoughts on  the community of barefoot dreamers socially integrating with 3rd Rock Grid?  i.e. events, etc.

Gabe.Collingwood I have no issues with that.

Huga.Bug I feel we would fit well, as friendly as you all are & we are open & friendly they would welcome others to make barefoot their home.

Gabe.Collingwood i see no problems.

Prim Ativ: Second...what do you feel you could bring to 3RG?

Gabe.Collingwood a home

Huga.Bug we could bring open end opportunities to grow, a place to flourish and keep your dreams moving forward.

JayR Cela: 3 questions on BFDremers grid policies .....

 1. How do you deal with griefer attacks....

 2. your policies on child like avatars......

 3. copybotters or copybotted goods on your grid.

Huga.Bug well we first would double check our securities that are in place, clean up their mess & block them all ways possible.

Huga.Bug we have had some visitors that are small kids in families we do not put up with pedophilia in anyway

Huga.Bug if they are residing on our grid all copy botters have been banned for use

Gabe.Collingwood child avis are only allowed in certain areas

Huga.Bug if the creators come to me & inform me of their product it are removed on the spot.

Han BoShi: Do you have any active RP on your grid? Any cultural facilities like our Nuna art gallery? Any educational regions, like our Blender courses?

Huga.Bug not at this moment, we hope to grow to have those available to others if you are here you'd be the first.

Alia Soulstar: Well comment, not a question. I’d just like to thank Gabe and Huga for making this effort to come here today. It was kind of them and very appreciated. And what i’ve seen of their grid i can confirm what they say to be true—friendly people and a personal touch in how it is run. One of the nicer grids out there. :)

Gabe.Collingwood thank you so much means a lot.

Huga.Bug thank you that is very kind.

David7 Bravin: Huga and Gabe - Thanks again for your presentation and answering our questions. On behalf of everyone here,  please accept our thanks for coming here today - much appreciated.

    So my feelings so far from the 3 presentations were all positive, we still had 1 more to go before we needed to make a decision.

Story to continue in : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : Part 5

JayR Cela :_)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

OpenSim : HyperGrid : My Virtual Life After 3rd Rock Grid's Closure - Part 3 - Alternate Metaverse Grid presentation to 3RG : UPDATE !!

By Avatar JayR Cela : 

    My sincere appoligies to Cataplexia and Clifford for leaving out thier excellent presentation, before this article was first posted earlier today.

    So on April 13 we had our next meeting with the Alternate Metaverse or AMV grid, whom I had heard quite a bit about in the past year or so, due to the large number of events they regularly schedule on a daily basis. I had attended several in the recent past,and being impressed I was anxious to see their presentation. After an impressive and lengthly presentation of what AMV had to offer, the floor was open to questions from the 3RG attendees. Some of these questions and supplied answers, left more than one of us head scratching. 

      Greetings everyone and welcome to our presentation of Alternate Metaverse, Our Virtual World Grid in OpenSim. Alternate Metaverse is one of the largest and fastest growing and most stable grids in all of  OpenSim. We are the two owners of Alternate Metaverse which we commonly call AMV,  


Alternate Metaverse began as a company founded by Cataplexia Numbers in Second life back in 2007,  which included Stores and SL Marketplace Items which were her personal creations. As she added more and more goods and services, Alternate Metaverse grew and expanded into InWorldz  and OpenSim.  

In 2019 when Cataplexia Numbers and Clifford Hanger became partners in the virtual world, they decided  to do so business-wise as well. 

Clifford had started a small Semi private Grid named VWorld and had been working on making it more  established and very secure before going public with it. 

Once married in August 2019, they changed the name of VWorld and made the newly emerging and fast  growing Alternate Metaverse Grid a joint effort.  


Alternate Metaverse Opened our doors to the public on Dec. 5th 2019 and is a very stable grid running on very reliable dedicated servers. 

We are using cutting edge OpenSim Code with modifications to incorporate Gloebits, eZombie and parts of  LaNanni code, all new code is tested on our Test Grid and here on our Yeti regions [3, 5x5s] We use bulletsim as standard, regions can choose to use UBODE on request.  

On May 1st we will be rolling out the new Nessie Code throughout our grid. It has been tested on our Test  grid for months first to ensure reliability and stability and the tests have yielded excellent results. Cliff has been adding more and more features on the technical level, and creating innovative scripts and  HUDs as Cat has been adding more regions and features within the livable grid and aiding our residents in  navigating them.  

We are recognized in OpenSim as the fastest growing grid in the metaverse. 

Our grid is Adults only and filled with a wide variety of clubs, schools, art galleries, Free shopping areas  & Malls, Holiday & Seasonal regions, beaches with swimming and surfing (including 3 clothing optional  beaches), castles and fantasy areas!  

We are for the most part, a very large and close knit family on AMV, welcoming to visitors and newcomers  from all over the world. We are a very safe and inclusive environment without discrimination of race,  gender, sexual orientation and choices. 

We do not open our doors to child Avatars as we once did due to numerous problems with sexual age play  and children approaching adults to adopt and finance them. 

We do not ban other grids on the Hypergrid easily but have when attacked with copybot viewers causing  damage to regions. We now detect Copybot viewers and ban entry to our grid to those who use them. 

In our events, we all watch out for other scheduled events and avoid stacking multiple events at one time  to ensure a greater number of people attending these events. As opensim grows more we shall expand on that because there will be more attendees. 

We celebrate and respect the individual rights of creators to give free content or charge if they decide to. If  you created it, you should have the right to choose whatever you wish to do with it. Despite this fact, most content is free on AMV or very low cost in a few circumstances. 


We welcome you to Alternate Metaverse Grid, a warm friendly Adults-Only grid with Sail-able Open Waters  & Air.  

Copy and Save your own OAR from our website, Self Restarts & Rollbacks.  

Self serve performance check. 

Low cost land packages, Regional God powers available, Super fast Land Creation & Customer Service.  Large reliable servers. Online since 2019, FREE HOMESTEADS, 2 FREE weeks on your first land purchase,  and a choice of many FREE pre-built regions you can have put on your land.  

AMV is a community grid filled with Parks, Beaches, Diverse types of Roleplay including GOT & Adult, Arts,  Performers & DJs Daily, Karaoke, Open Mic, Zoos, Galleries, Community Areas, Clubs, Luxury Cruise Ship,  Spas, Several Malls & Stores, Raceway Island Regions, Amusement Park, Zombie Hunt, Adult Getaways,  Dinkies World, Memorial, Spiritual & Chakra Exploration & Education, Game Nights and countless places to  Explore & Enjoy!  

Own a region for as low as 5$ USD monthly! The Home of The Arts, Chakras In Motion, Mystical Paths,  Prana, Samsara, Serenity Chapel and Koryphon Academy. 


For the current expansion proposal we are prepared to Offer: 

A) Exclusive use of a whole new dedicated Region server will run 60 to 70 regions of mixed size @ $500  per month, or

B) Use of 50% of the above @ $285 per month, or 

C) Free regions for your “Nuna” gallery region, Free Educational regions and new regions at our current  rates for up to 5x5 regions, and specials by negotiation prim count, size, god mode.

If you do choose option C. - Cliff and I would like to make an offer to 3RD Rock Grid migrators, to house  Nuna Gallery and your school at zero cost. We support the Arts and Education very strongly. We could  integrate your existing classes into Koryphon Academy if you wish, or provide you with free land to  house your school on. Frankly I feel that integrating with Koryphon Academy would provide an inlet into  the community here so it might be a good path to follow, but the choice is up to you, we are fine with  whatever you decide. 

For many reasons we feel that the 3RD Rock Grid residents would find a happy and peaceful new home in  our world and we would equally be happy to expand our AMV Family!  

A place like Alternate Metaverse feels incomplete without Space RP, it is almost as if we were waiting for  your amazing Starfleet RP to make us whole!


Our expansion into grid creation, we decided to create a place that will allow the consumer freedom. I came from InWorldz and I lost a lot there as one of the biggest creators in InWorldz. I owned many different stores filled with my original content – including a texture store where I lost many  of my textures... lost a lot of my art.

We wanted to create a place where people don’t lose....period  

PERSONAL INFO & DATA - AMV takes only an email address from customers NO Personal, Credit or  financial info ever hits our servers, we do not even ask for your real name, avatar names only.

MONEY - We arranged for money to not be handled by the grid...We use PayPal and Gloebits...So people  never lose cash here...they can redeem cash and Gloebits externally to AMV.

LAND - We set up Cold storage so people if in the hospital or on vacation or extended leave will NEVER lose  land that they have built on as well as the ability to save their regions at any time to their hard drive. We  allow all residents to do their own OAR downloads, Region Restarts, Region Rollbacks AND have regional god powers if they choose to do so.

SAFE is freedom from risk of financial loss, we neither collect or store any private information other than  your email in order to contact you, this is linked to your Grid Avatar and securely encrypted password. This  means it is impossible to be financially hacked.

SAFE means we allow you to copy OAR files of your regions and to rollback 24 or 48 hrs automatically and  on request rollbacks for up to 6 months.

SAFE means we scan every login to our grid and prevent access to copybot viewers, known copybotters and  griefers. 

All of these things are geared towards the resident suffering zero loss.

AMV currently runs on a modified 0.9.2 version of opensim with mods for EZombie and some time saving  mods by the late Lananni Sundara. 

In May 2024 the grid will be updated to run on the more efficient Nessie 0.9.3 latest stable dev release. AMV currently uses 7 large dedicated servers in a Chicago data center with excellent and fast connection to  data highways. The First one of our 7 dedicated servers is our GRID Server, the other 6 are Region Servers.  All our servers are interconnected by LAN to provide fast communication with each other. Our server  provider maintains our servers which are wholly owned by them. 

All important drives are protected by RAID configurations allowing replacement of faulty drives with no  downtime. Our grid server runs typically at 6-12% cpu so we have lots of wriggle room. 

We use file based Assets stored on a large raid configured drive, they are backed up over the LAN daily to  two separate copies on our biggest region server. 

Grid server databases are backed up locally every 3 hours and are immediately synced to our cloud server. 

We store database copies for 2 days worth in the data center and in the cloud.


Using large dedicated servers allows us to host regions efficiently and means we can offer Residents  regions up to 10x10. 

Regions are backed up to OAR files daily, stored on the Region server and synced to the cloud. Region databases are also saved every 4 hours and synced to the cloud and stored for two days. Regions are auto restarted every 24 hours when empty, tested hourly. Regions can be restarted manually  on our website. 

OARS on our cloud server mirror the Region servers plus weekly copies are stored for 2 months, after this  monthly copies are stored for 6 months, then monthly files over 6 months are downloaded and stored at Cliff’s home.

Our regions are backed up as OAR files daily on the region servers, available for customer download or  rollback (last 2-3 days). 

AMV will load existing OAR Files onto any land you purchase at no cost to you. 

We provide our residents with an avenue on our website where they can download their existing land OARs  to their hard drive themselves at no cost 

Residents may also perform rollbacks themselves within 2 days of and accidental terraform or building  mishaps. Please be aware that all changes to the region will be lost that were made in between the rollback  and the date of the region you are rolling back to. 

Residents also have the power to restart their own regions – Log into Website, find the region in your  profile tab. 

Residents can also check how their region is running on our website. 

IAR files can be backed up for you upon request and be made available for you to download, including  large ones. Please be aware that they do take time to load and will take time to download onto a hard drive or other avatar as well. 

An example of a very large IAR is Myself, Cataplexia Numbers. My inventory is roughly 315,000 items at my recent IAR. It took nearly  2 days to save, cost Cliff a lot of work to load and set into an alt avatar and was 132Gb in size.  

I highly recommend you do not ever let your inventory exceed 150,000. This is where you begin to lose  access to mass quantities of content and start having serious issues loading your inventory…..these are the  reasons WHY I had to back mine up into an alt. I lose access to content often.  

Clean and organize your inventory!  

Clean your SUITCASE weekly and after every power shopping spree or it will slow you down and inhibit  your teleporting and crash you often. It is meant to be a TEMPORARY storage so that you can travel lightly without loading your entire inventory!!


When our grid server died, and admittedly it did, we were back on our feet within less than 25 hours...with  a brand new server, running perfectly – With ZERO losses suffered! 

We keep assets doubly stored - so we lost NOTHING. 

This is our ENTIRE OUTLOOK...the resident loses NOTHING...Period. 

 I was so adamant about that when I signed on for this because of what InWorldz did to me and countless  friends 

Everything breaks at some point - it’s how you recover that is important 

everything breaks - you need to expect that - if not it leaves you unprepared and vulnerable.


copied from our website on 4/10/24 

GridStatus: ONLINE Online_Now: 718 

HG_Visitors_Last_30_Days: 1,487 

Local_Users_Last_30_Days: 496 

Total_Active_Last_30_Days: 1,983 

Registered_Users: 3,673 

Regions: 856 Var_Regions: 526 Single_Regions: 330 Total_LandSize(km2): 667 Login_URL: 



Version: 2020110101 


Logging in to our Grid 

Our web address is 

Joining is free and open to all who accept our terms and pricay policy. 

You will need a Viewer. We strongly recommend Firestorm for Open Simulator as your viewer which you  can find on the “about “ tab of our website. 

Our Grid is recognized by Firestorm, go back to your log in screen and type your name (first and last) and  password, and choose Alternate Metaverse as the grid. 

All residents get a free Mesh Avatar - there are about 20 to choose from. You may change this in any way  once you have entered the grid. 

Send in your email confirmation, if you cannot find it, wait a few minutes and check other folders such as  spam, promotions etc. as sometimes email programs try resorting mail. 

We have an external chat IM program which allows live text chat to our mentor and management team if  you have any issues logging in. 

As you enter you will be on AMV Welcome, and can travel all over the grid and Hypergrid from this point.


Where each grid has generally one owner who runs around doing it all, we have two, and a huge well  Trained & Educated staff of Mentors and Management. Our mentors even create land and answer support  calls with knowledgeable and informative answers 24/7


Clifford Hanger - Grid Owner & Technical Administrator 

Cataplexia Numbers - Grid Owner/ Aesthetics, Content & Community Administrator Chris McCracken - Grid Manager / Senior Mentor 

Lilie Finesmith - Grid Manager - Mall Manager & Lead Mentor 

April McKenna - Assistant Grid Manager / Dean Of Education / Special Projects /Housing Sofee Supermarine - Publicist / Greeter 

Ted Junior - Special Projects Manager/ Senior Mentor 

Taffy Starr - AMV Mayor / Greeter/ Yardsale Manager 

Desy Graywolf - Senior Mentor / Staff Educator /Housing Manager 

Tyler Mathews - Housing Manager / Senior Mentor 

Doc Mercury - Senior Mentor / Special Projects Staff 

Chris Dayellis - Senior Mentor 

Tingting Parx - Senior Mentor 

Serenity Graywolf - Mentor 

Winona Evergarden - Mentor


AMV provides Free Housing to all in need unless they chose not to. Free private homes are available on  request at the following Homestead regions: 

Homestead Riverville 1 Homestead Riverville 2 Homestead Riverville 3 

Tiki Cove 

AMV Neighborhood 

We also have housing at AMV Community Farm – A community farming co-op housing and work project


We greatly support the arts by housing several Art Galleries, The Live Poets Society, OpenMic & Karaoke venues, and Live Theater venues on AMV. We provide support and celebration of visual, poetic, performing and multi-media arts. 

For entertainment, Alternate Metaverse throws an annual Festivals of the Arts & Carnival, Fashion shows,  Koryphon Academy Events & Classes, Burns Night events, Halloween, Christmas & New Years Events as \ well as Annual Winterfest, Autumnfest, AMV Birthday Parties, Valentines Parties, Easter egg hunts and  Easter parties.  

We have daily Late Night & Early morning parties @ AMV Welcome featuring some of the greatest Live Djs  on the Hypergrid! We also feature grid sponsored bi-weekly live performances by the incredible Beccca  Baxton, MrMikie String, Icky and Sum, BG Singer, joao Frazao, Mavenn Live, Khiron Ametza and Zoree Jupiter at various venues. 

Additionally we provide our residents and HG visitors with several live performers and DJ events weekly,  Check our website’s Grid Calendar tab and Opensim World events for dates/times & Events. We are open to all who wish to call Alternate Metaverse Grid their home!


We teach not only residents but visitors as well for free at AMV’s Education Center, Koryphon Academy. We  also have extensions to Koryphon Academy called Chakras In Motion and The Seed, which both are of a  more Spiritual and New Age type of teachings (Chakras In Motion). The Seed features our weekly meetings  of exploring home & self, meditation and inner growth both individually and as a grid community. We also  have the Avatar Education Center for new/learning avatars. 

Prim Building and Advanced Building Classes run through Autumn/Winter seasons with Rique Giano and are incredibly popular. 

We offer a sound usage class every two weeks taught by Lorin Tone. 

There is also Bible study education at Serenity Chapel and a school of Arts Magicans at Mystical Paths, both  owned by private owners. 


Alternate Metaverse supports on-grid roleplay and is the home to the largest Game Of Thrones Roleplay  venue in OpenSim. We also have Meridian- Mer meets human RP, Lycan & Gothic RP, Medieval fantasy RP  & Heaven & Hell RP at Mythical Realms, Gilligan’s island /Fantasy & Gypsy Roleplay at Metasea, Zombie  hunting Roleplay and Adult RP The Rendezvous. We do not have any Space themed Roleplay and quite  frankly we look forward to that coming here, should Starfleet be joining Alternate Metaverse.



If you have made the adventurous journey from Second Life to Alternate Metaverse, you will notice right  away that prim count availability is off the charts compared to Second Life. Add that to Open waters & Air,  Attractive Mesh starter avatars, free Downloads and uploads, free shopping, free spacious homes available,  free photos, free self partnering and de-partnering, Self OAR Saves/Rollbacks & Restarts via our website,  God Mode availability, Free Education, and travel throughout the hypergrid to countless grids. You will feel as if you have finally found your happy place just sign up and THAT is free too!



Our main goal is to provide all of our residents with an inclusive, happy and creative atmosphere that they  can feel comfortable to live in, with great entertainment and amenities already built into the grid, and they  of course are free to build and add what they wish to add to this community.

We offer education and supportive chat on many levels such as our Talk To feature on our website for help,  Discord Servers for both AMV & Koryphon Academy with AI sites in Mid Journey and Wambo for creating  art, and Mumble Group Chat as well as in world voice. AMV has a very dedicated, supportive and well  educated staff who is always happy to help newcomers, visitors and long term residents around the clock. We hold occasional Town hall meetings where everyone is free to contribute and inform our residents about  new Grid Features, Events and plans for the future of AMV. 

Happy Residents and Visitors make a happy grid, Simple Ethos!


We provide land packages that we feel are very fairly priced, with the first two weeks of your land tier free  credited! For a list of land prices and options such as water surrounds, isolated regions and god powers,  Visit the land tab on our website at 

We have pre-built regions we call Demos, some with homes, some only landscaping. These are available at  ZERO COST to you when you purchase your land to place them on! We have several available from nature  to beach themes and even fantasy! 

The lowest land packages are 5 USD. 

Billing options include invoice or AutoPay 

Optional God Mode features are available. 

We have open water /air features available as well. 

For those without land, we provide starter parcels/houses free for residents to use in what we call  Homesteads. Ask our staff if you are interested! 

Overcrowding is prevented by simple rules over region placement: 

No-one shall have populated regions adjacent unless both owners agree. 

Grid connected regions will have “water” regions adjacent at least the same size as their region. Water regions are navigable by residents and visitors, vehicles my be used on all water regions by Residents. 

ALL residents are free to use our open Air & Water regions for boating, flying, traveling and exploring! 

AMV also offers audio streams (shoutcast or icecast) and video streams (suitable for teaching aids, movies  and karaoke, in that all viewers see the same thing at the same time unlike YouTube style media). 

Please take a look and let us know if you wish to be a part of our growing community!"

David7 thanked Cataplexia for the presentation and asked if anyone would like to ask any questions. 

The very first question was from.. 

: Dolfke Barbosa: 1. do you use load balancing, and how many servers do you have at the data centre, I understood 7, but I may have misunderstood.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : we do not use load balancing.

: Dolfke Barbosa: how do you move regions from one server to another pls ?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse  by copying the db and config files we rarely have to.

: Dolfke Barbosa: my second question is more basic,how much do you ask for a region and a VAR pls?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : a 1x1 with 10k prims is $5, vars vary with size and  water surrounds. 

: Dolfke Barbosa: lets say a 4x4 VAR with 30.000 prims?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : but 1 5z5 fully surrounded with sail-able water with 85k prims is $55,our standard 4x4 hs 70k prims at $40.

: Jedburgh Dagger : What sort of 'bench depth' do you have for your technical team, just as a worst case        scenario, since having a succession plan is a very important issue given our current circumstances.

 : Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : our mentors can solve most tech issues,in terms of   disaster mitigation, Cat and i share our passwords and our phone numbers are known to managers,the datacenter takes calls 24/7

: Jedburgh Dagger : My other question is about your backup plan. Do you restore from backups as a test to confirm integrity periodically, or have other processes in place to ensure they work?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse: we recently restored a dead grid server from raid drives,we periodically test rebuilding dbs from OAR files. 3 yrs ago we were hacked,we had to rebuild the grid server from backups, we lost 30 minutes of creation, and were back up in 4 hours.

: Michel Farrell : I have 3 questions. 1. We are used to meetings in text here, in that case people can read back minutes later who have not been able to attend the meeting. That is not possible with voice. How is that done in AMV when people are not able to attend the meeting ?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse: we create a pre meeting notecard. When town hall meetings are conducted, distributed to attendees, I have a very detailed notecard,  in a box for all to take, and on request to any resident.

: Michel Farrell : 2. What is God mode ? 3. What is the advantage of God mode ?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : my stock answer is, if you need to ask, you don’t need it! but I let Cat explain.

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : Ok i shall give an example, I lived on Kitely for awhile, several stores, 17 regions, when i moved out i could not change perms on my own creations i made from scratch. I was stuck with huge beautiful castles i could not give away. When i went to OS Grid, I have my own servers and land, and ALL osg residents have God Mode. So I was able to make all of my stuff full perm again. Admittedly, i went to SL with a copybot viewer, to get MY OWN CREATIONS, i could not export them, because several megaprims were in the builds, and THOSE were created by others, so i had to copybot my own stuff. I luckily did not get caught.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : in AMV region owners can ask  for god mode to be removed completely, then no-one can copy incl. grid owners, not even upper management. And illegal viewers cannot gain god mode.

: David7 Bravin: You said that the Grid is "Adults only"...... How do establish if someone is an "adult" - especially as said that you do not require people to use their Real Life names to register ?

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : We get child avs all the time, that sign the TOS as adults,  they do not make it past staff, We had so many visit that were all interested in two things, sex or cash from adults. We decided to ban them all. When i see a child come in, I say, Are you a child or an adult in a child av? If they say they are, and I direct them to leave and come back as an adult, as we do not accept children on the grid period. If they refuse and return as child avs, they are banned, if they tp away to another region...same.

: David7 Bravin: So it is Adult avatars only .…rather than RL Adults only?

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : There are some adults that are not like this but like Child avs, One is singer Rosy oGrady who LIVES THERE. We make her dress as an adult out on the grid, knowing she truly is an adult.

: Dolfke Barbosa: what about when a 10 year old child comes online as an adult ?

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : We cannot see them in RL if they are lying, we take them at their word and TOS agreement, we have no choice.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : but if we have suspicions we can interview them

Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : but if we were to hear someone on voice...yes we interview.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : but as Cat says it is difficult to prove. Its not the most important thing on the grid.

: Alia Soulstar: If, for example, we took half a server, approx 32 regions, what would the total prim loading be for us to distribute between our regions? And what tools would we have at our disposal to self-organise?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : we would use the model we have currently, each region owner or manager has access to a read only console. And can see real time CPU usage on our website, prims at 40-90k per region.

: Alia Soulstar: Yes, so how does taking a server differ from just using your rate card?

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : we normally create regions only up to 10x10, beyond that brings immeasurable lag no matter what grid you are on.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : its not usually prims that create poor server performance, its bad scripts.

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : 10 x 10 VAR REGION - Equal to 100 SL Sims (2560x2560)

10 A) includes 1 10x10 VAR Region (the equivalent of 100 single regions) with Management Control of your region and regional God Mode rights.

10 B) Same as 10 A with a single edge connection to sailable waters.

Prim Allowance = 125,000 Prims

Cost for Package 10 A or 10 B - $125 USD Monthly or European Equivalent

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : That is our going rate for a 10x10

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : 5x5 VAR REGION (1280x1280)

5A) includes 1 5x5 VAR Region (the equivalent of 25 single regions) with Management Control of your region and regional God Mode rights.

5C) as 5A with a single edge connection to sailable waters.

Prim Allowance = 80,000 Prims

5B ) - as above plus, fully surrounded with sailable 5x5s [8] waters

Cost for Package 5A and 5C - 45 USD Monthly or European Equivalent

Cost for Package 5B - 55 USD Monthly or European Equivalent

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : 4x4 VAR Region (1024x1024)

4A) includes 1 4x4 VAR Region (the equivalent of 16 single regions) with Management Control of your region and regional God Mode rights.

4C) as 4A with a single edge connection to sailable waters.

Prim Allowance = 70,000 Prims

4B ) - as above plus, fully surrounded with sailable 4x4s [8] waters

Cost for Package 4A and 4C - 40 USD Monthly or European Equivalent

Cost for Package 4B - 50 USD Monthly or European Equivalent

: Alia Soalstar : So $500 is the top of your rate card?

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : its not on our rate card

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : the server at $500 will run upto 70 regions

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : its a special offer to your grid

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : total cost

: Alia Soulstar: I have read the rate card Cat, that's not my question. So if we buy a server we might want to make a 5x5, a 4x4 a 6x6, and so on with different prim loadings, no?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse :8002: correct

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : We do not offer a million or more prims, that is highly impractical as you are paying MORE for the prims, and will be so lagged out you cannot use that many.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : you can use whatever sized regions you wish, but if you use the prim counts from our rate cards, then a mixed offering would support 70 regions. But not if they were all heavily scripted 10x10s

: Alia Soulstar: What tools do we have to manage that globally as the buyer of the server, to organize our community estates and private estates is my question

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : You have staff to create them for you, just tell them what you want, we create any sized land super fast.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : if you were to come to us, would you be integrating your regions with our "connected" grid? Or wanting a separate area?

: Alia Soulstar: There are different options but yes, we would integrate but, with a server or part server option we would look to enclave within your community with open borders of course

: Clifford.Hanger ok, we have studied opensim region crossings  and some "old" rules are pertinent, regarding edge cases, "no region can have more than one region on any edge" we stick to that always, it means we can put 20 people on a boat and your grid crossings regions with minimal hiccups.

: Georgina Mills: You also have ready made OAR files you can lay down on different sized regions for users still?  They were nicely landscaped already when I saw the website ages ago.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : we do

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : they are still there and many more added to

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : there are more now.

: Ellemir Maven: Cliff, this is a bit deep for most of this group, but does your grid use a one region per simulator model?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : for residential regions yes, we use multiple regions per simulator for water/interconnect regions.

: Ellemir Maven: then let me be more specific. If we were to get a full of 1/2 server, would it be one simulator per region.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : yes excepting water regions. We limit those to 1000 prims.

: Cataplexia.Numbers @alternatemetaverse : Does anyone have any other questions?

: JayR Cela: 2 quick ones please / your server software / WIndows or Linux based is first ?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : linux

: JayR Cela: #2 any particular reasons you are not currently employing any load balancing support?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : we have never seen the need.

: Thoria Millgrove: Aside from the basic open sim source, how much of your platform is FOSS?

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : I have never used FOSS knowingly, we use ubuntu20.04 currently.

: Thoria Millgrove: Huh? FOSS = Free and Open Source Software, open sim is FOSS.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : ok, all our software is open source. Ubuntu, apache, mysql, php, mono  are our main tools.

: Clifford.Hanger @alternatemetaverse : sorry i thought i saw a software company called FOSS.

: Thoria Millgrove: OK, thanks.

: David7 Bravin: If there are no more questions,Then on behalf of everyone here - Please accept our thanks Cataplexia and Clifford for the presentation, and answering the many questions - much appreciated !

After that, we had a rather lengthy after meeting. I will leave how that went to your imagination.  

The next two weeks had two more presentations in store, before a decision was made. 

Story to continue in : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : part 4

JayR Cela :_)