Thursday, June 27, 2024

OpenSim : HyperGrid : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : Part 4 : Barefoot Dreamers Grid.

    On April 20 the crew from the Barefoot Dreamers Grid stopped bye for a visit, Gabe and Hugga were very nice folks and it was a pleasure to meet them. 

 David7 Bravin: So let's get started... Greetings and welcome Everyone. This is another special Community meeting to continue considering the future of the 3RG Community. We have special visitors here today from Barefoot Dreamers  Grid, who will be giving us a presentation. I would now like to welcome and  introduce Huga.Bug and Gabe. Collingwood from Barefoot Dreamers Grid, who will be giving us a presentation. Please do not interrupt their presentation and keep any questions to the end - not forgetting to "Raise a Hand" first - and wait to be called.

Huga.Bug thank you David

Gabe.Collingwood thank you

Huga.Bug Hello First I'd like to thank you for this opportunity to be here today. Gabe & I are the Owners of barefoot dreamers grid, Barefoot is a Dream grid which was created by Fred Bechausen who is also our tech support when needed. I run contabo servers that are based in the USA, they are Windows based as Dream is not designed for Linux, they are 2022 & i back up daily I also have backups offsite as well as with backups on  contabo & my self. We do have events we range from 5-20 on any given event our top number was 35 for Gabes birthday  & we can hold them all with no lag,we respect our residents privacy, as our residents come to relax & just take a break from all their creativity & other virtual world situations they may come into. What we can offer is a server for 3rd rock residents that is exclusive to you,comparable pricing, we have /use discord to get a hold of us 24/7 should you run into a situation, being a smaller grid we offer our personal touch I am very hands on.  I have a great support team should we have any questions to keep our grid running smooth. We have an open door policy and we make ourselves available to all residents not just a select few.

I have been running barefoot dreamers for over 4 yrs now & I also feel it would be a win win situation with your residents & role play members you would have a home & we would grow. We are a smaller grid with loads of potential. We would like you to visit us & see what we have too offer. thank you again for this opportunity & your time.

David7 Bravin: Many thanks for that presentation Huga, Has anyone got a question ?

JayR Cela: several questions please  / Your head Technician is Fred Ferguson ?... Who are or how many backup Techs...and how many Admins do you have ?

Huga.Bug I run the servers if there is any  major issues Fred helps get us back on track. I am the only one in the servers, Gabe Rayne & I are the staff since we are small. Fred Bechausen is his name.

Jedburgh Dagger: About how many regions do you currently host?

Huga.Bug 93 total.

Lannorra Sion: I just have a comment.  I have a non-commercial grid, Phantom Rose, that is also a DreamGrid.  It came on line in Jan 2019 and has been running 24/7, since then with very little down time.  I have the equivalent of 83 sims and I just want to say, I think DreamGrids are very successful.  And a lot more robust than many people realize.

Huga.Bug Thank you Lannora,we agree.

Alia Soulstar: Can i ask what the pricing would be for a dedicated server, what is its capacity regions/prims and what are the limits in terms of Var sizing?

Huga.Bug yes one moment.

Huga.Bug for 16 cores it is 266$usd,var sizing we have had 4 10x10's no issue. We also have had 2 farms no issues,the prims depending size go to 80000. There really is not a limit on prims on the regions that is just a base number

Alia Soulstar: right, so would we purchase the server and give you details of land allocation or would you just create our lands off your ratecard and poke them on that server?

Huga.Bug we would purchase the server.

Alia Soulstar: yes, I meant hire it off you

Huga.Bug we  will place lands & place them accordingly.

Gabe.Collingwood correct

Huga.Bug yes Alia great question

David7 Bravin: and the pricing ?

Huga.Bug for land? or server?

David7 Bravin: for both please

Alia Soulstar: ok so just to clarify, that $266 is the cost to us and we fill it though you?

Huga.Bug 1x1 is 5$ 2x2 is 10$ 3x3 is 20$ 4x4 is 35$ 5x5 are 50$

David7 Bravin: Thanks

Ellemir Maven: This is just a follow to the server questing.  For 266 a month, you add a sixteen core physical server to the grid, and that's just for our use (not shared with others) and we can have as many regions on there as we want (to some practical limit)

Gabe.Collingwood yes

Huga.Bug correct

Ellemir Maven: Based on the little I know about Dream Grid, if you lost your primary server, your approach for recovery would be to replace the server, reinstall Dreamgrid and then restore the backups.  True?

Huga.Bug yes

Georgina Mills: How many prims on the 1x1 2x2 3x3 etc? Avatar limits? How many avatars allowed?

Huga.Bug all regions begin with 40,000 then can be added  without extra fees, we can hold 35 with no lag.

Gabe.Collingwood as many as you want

JayR Cela: Do you have a preferred physics engine or is this select able by the region owner - estate manager ?

Gabe.Collingwood you can select it as you want or need .

Huga.Bug as for engine if you have a preference  you just let me know.

Alia Soulstar: What is your average daily traffic like Huga or Gabe? On non event days?

Huga.Bug we get most of our traffic to our huge mall about 20+ daily

Alia Soulstar: and do you have a busy event calendar?

Huga.Bug not at the moment we have 2 days week at moment

Gabe.Collingwood we had a dj /resident pass away

Jedburgh Dagger: Because it is a topic on everyone's mind, do you have a contingency plan in case of incapacity or unavailability for the servers Gabe?

Gabe.Collingwood yes we do,great question.

JayR Cela: how is event scheduling and posting them to the BFDreamers event calendar handled ?

Huga.Bug rayne does our posting & makes sure calender is up to date

JayR Cela: posting trouble tickets on the BFDremers grids website is handled how ?

Gabe.Collingwood you would use discord we have a help channel

Huga.Bug I check those continuously through the day

Gabe.Collingwood and other channels, we both have discord on our phones also to be reached.

JayR Cela: so is the posting of a trouble Ticket handled thru a Discord account or the BFDreamers website or both ?

Huga.Bug both

Thoria Millgrove: Could you give a bit more background on your contingency planning? You have to understand that we are very sensitive to that here due to recent events

Huga.Bug Gabe is my  backup for the servers

Thoria Millgrove: Meaning he has full access to them if necessary?

Huga.Bug Rayne is my right hand so if I were to become ill  or an able to do my part they know how to run the gird, yes.

Gabe.Collingwood yes

JayR Cela: I just want to say that for myself I find Discord can be a nightmare to get working properly / I must be behind the times.

Huga.Bug JayR i use skype also.

JayR Cela: the point I was trying to make is 1 way to initiate a support ticket / the 1 standard properly supported way,not 2 or 3 or 4 ways.

Huga.Bug discord is handled quickest, I use website for those who do not use discord.

Prim Ativ: Two Questions.... what are your thoughts on  the community of barefoot dreamers socially integrating with 3rd Rock Grid?  i.e. events, etc.

Gabe.Collingwood I have no issues with that.

Huga.Bug I feel we would fit well, as friendly as you all are & we are open & friendly they would welcome others to make barefoot their home.

Gabe.Collingwood i see no problems.

Prim Ativ: Second...what do you feel you could bring to 3RG?

Gabe.Collingwood a home

Huga.Bug we could bring open end opportunities to grow, a place to flourish and keep your dreams moving forward.

JayR Cela: 3 questions on BFDremers grid policies .....

 1. How do you deal with griefer attacks....

 2. your policies on child like avatars......

 3. copybotters or copybotted goods on your grid.

Huga.Bug well we first would double check our securities that are in place, clean up their mess & block them all ways possible.

Huga.Bug we have had some visitors that are small kids in families we do not put up with pedophilia in anyway

Huga.Bug if they are residing on our grid all copy botters have been banned for use

Gabe.Collingwood child avis are only allowed in certain areas

Huga.Bug if the creators come to me & inform me of their product it are removed on the spot.

Han BoShi: Do you have any active RP on your grid? Any cultural facilities like our Nuna art gallery? Any educational regions, like our Blender courses?

Huga.Bug not at this moment, we hope to grow to have those available to others if you are here you'd be the first.

Alia Soulstar: Well comment, not a question. I’d just like to thank Gabe and Huga for making this effort to come here today. It was kind of them and very appreciated. And what i’ve seen of their grid i can confirm what they say to be true—friendly people and a personal touch in how it is run. One of the nicer grids out there. :)

Gabe.Collingwood thank you so much means a lot.

Huga.Bug thank you that is very kind.

David7 Bravin: Huga and Gabe - Thanks again for your presentation and answering our questions. On behalf of everyone here,  please accept our thanks for coming here today - much appreciated.

    So my feelings so far from the 3 presentations were all positive, we still had 1 more to go before we needed to make a decision.

Story to continue in : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : Part 5

JayR Cela :_)

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