Sunday, September 15, 2024

OpenSim : HyperGrid : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : Part 8 : 3RG begins the move to ZetaWorlds.

 By Avatar JayR Cela : Continuing until the very end, 3rd Rock Grid held their next to last in world meeting. The following is an edited (for readability) transcript, so first we have a bit of before meeting chat, followed by the meeting it's self.

  May 4 2024

Alia Soulstar: seems there's a mixed view on when the meeting starts but as we are here does anyone have any issues with their junk over on Zeta?

Georgina Mills: I uploaded my IAR file but so far still waiting for it to install, they must be very busy with us all migrating

Alia Soulstar: did you send them a ticket Georgina?

Georgina Mills: Yes

Alia Soulstar: two things then... log off and on to restart your inventory and...

Georgina Mills: Clear cache? inventory cache

Alia Soulstar: the IAR stuff will be below your trash can, not in folders like clothes and body above the line, cache won't affect it. You need to move your items back to where they were before.

Georgina Mills: Not enough files for it to be there so far.

Alia Soulstar: did you log off and on? and did you get an email saying it was loaded?

Georgina Mills: Logging on a second time now, Not yet

Alia Soulstar: then it isn't loaded,they email you on completion.

Georgina Mills: I have been checking emails for a few hours.

Alia Soulstar: do you have a big inventory?

Dolfke Barbosa: I am unable to set my Home, "Set Home to Here"

Georgina Mills: Big enough

Alia Soulstar: in other news we discovered my starship hulls were compressed. If you have items with single prims larger than 245m, we will need to reset the parameters on your region

Alia Soulstar: on which region Dol?

Georgina Mills: Earlier nowhere had been set to group so we can't set home until the land is deeded to the group.That will be Starfleet Infinity land I guess.

Alia Soulstar: you should be able to set home on Myst... Starfleet has not been group deeded yet. When we do that you can set home there.We are holding off on deeding until all the scripts and kinks are ironed out.

Georgina Mills: Myst 1 2 3 etc, or Myst Prime?

Alia Soulstar: you have one Myst Var on Zeta Dol. When you have your OARs we can nestle them into that Var

Dolfke Barbosa: I did not already tried Myst,as its still pretty circular

Alia Soulstar: yes,like a dome.

Aviana Pacem: I'm early. Should i come back in half an hour?

Alia Soulstar: and we are trouble shooting too, if you have any issues on Zeta :)

Han BoShi: although there is still much known work to do

Aviana Pacem: some problems with outfits sticking and skins being visible in the welcome area, but i'd guess that's a known issue.

Alia Soulstar: obviously any scripted thing that points to location co-ordinates on this grid will be a bit random over there...yes i saw the outfit sticking. My bunny ears wouldn't remove. A relog fixed it but that seems like a bug to monitor and report if it persists

PurplePenny Broome: Haha - my transfer portals will be sending me all over the place!

T'Preea Stro: it is very interesting to try to teleport and end up on ground level below the water... what a refreshing way to start your day

Alia Soulstar: one thing I have noticed is tolerance settings... has anyone else noticed overlap flicker on items there that were fine here?

T'Preea Stro: I had seen a few things flickering when i was doing a walk about on land but I had thought it was just me

Alia Soulstar: I see pictures on walls flickering, for example, fixed by moving the surfaces further apart, the flicker might become an issue with some meshes. Easy to fix on just prims.

Dolfke Barbosa: Some of the TP destinations would have to reset again, Penny

PurplePenny Broome: I think they probably all will Dol, and I have a lot!

Alia Soulstar: our teleporters have been weaponised

PurplePenny Broome: I wonder how my free roaming creatures will react.  They might feel a bit lost :)


David7 Bravin: Well it looks like everyone is here that is coming to the meeting. So let's get started..Greetings and welcome everyone......can everyone say "Here" for the record.

Alia Soulstar: here

PurplePenny Broome: here

Han BoShi: here

Aviana Pacem: here

JayR Cela: here

Nila Shvaress: here

Michel Farrell: Here

Dolfke Barbosa: here

Ellemir Maven: here

Georgina Mills: Here

T'Preea Stro: here, i think

Thoria Millgrove: here

David7 Bravin: Thanks everyone. I will shortly ask Alia to give us an update on how things have progressed in ZetaWorlds.......... please wait till Alia has finished before asking questions and way of a reminder - if you want to speak - please "Raise a Hand" and wait to be called. Okay Alia please

Alia Soulstar: thanks David. Rather than filling up chat log I have prepared a fairly short document that updates where we are with the migration of assets and with the financials...Perhaps we could read it and then have a Q&A? The doc is here:

David7 Bravin: Thanks Alia

Dolfke Barbosa: looks great, Alia, congrats and thx for all your hard work (with Elle)

Alia Soulstar: thx Dol, Elle is a trooper

Ellemir Maven: scoffs

Alia Soulstar: and Astro and BoShi have been working hard to fix scripts and other issues

Dolfke Barbosa: applauds for Han and Astro

PurplePenny Broome: I've read it, and had a couple of questions as I was reading it.  But my memory is rubbish, so I hope someone else asks whatever it was I thought of...

David7 Bravin: Many thanks for producing the document Alia

Alia Soulstar: my pleasure, well, sort of, just before this meeting I discovered the starships and presumably space station, hulls have compressed. The settings for prim max sizes here is 1024m. On Zeta the default is 256m So if you are porting giant objects in your OARs, tell me or ticket Zeta to upgrade the setting on your Var. end, open for questions

David7 Bravin: Thanks Alia

PurplePenny Broome: Raises hand

David7 Bravin: Yes Penny

Aviana Pacem raises hand

PurplePenny Broome: Will PayPal be set up the way it used to be - to automatically take the payment, or will we need to remember once every six months? End

Alia Soulstar: If you pay using your paypal account or bank, then you can set up automated payment. If you use the credit card portal we will send you an invoice reminder before the due date.

Ellemir Maven: Question

PurplePenny Broome: Thanks

Alia Soulstar: Elle?

Ellemir Maven: Are we just going to fix the max prim size on all regions and do we then need to re-import Infinity (and possibly other oars)

Dolfke Barbosa: comment

Alia Soulstar: it's a region by region thing in the set up file. I only asked Vincent for Starfleet and will request it for HAL9000 too. Gigantic prims are pretty rare and I was the first person to ask Zeta to upgrade so...size tends to be a blender builder fetish. (but if anyone wants this we can ask for it, they are very accommodating)

Ellemir Maven: Question

David7 Bravin: Yes Ellemir

Ellemir Maven: Okay Alia, we have a treasurer, a rate card for land costs, and a paypal account. When can people start sending their money?

Alia Soulstar: Super good question... we will just make sure all the ducks are in a row and then email everyone with land or patronage. I expect this to be within 48 hours. Just want to make sure all the tracking systems are in place

David7 Bravin: Thanks Alia. Any more questions for Alia ?

Georgina Mills: raises hand

Patrice Charmann: Raises hand

David7 Bravin: Yes Georgina

Georgina Mills: Since the grid we are moving to has it's own welcome area will we have a portal so we can get people logging onto our welcome area if they specifically want to join 3rd Wind in future? in ZetaWorlds of course. end : oh sorry, grid within a grid - end

Alia Soulstar: good question Georgina. the answer is we will ask Zeta to include a portal at their welcome... they have been good about everything else and I'm sure they will agree...we have ported in our Welcome from here but of course it's full of 3RG info and LMs, so we're working to modify it for 3rd wind to be our landing point. It will have a map and links to our full regions

Michel Farrell: Rasiing hands

Dolfke Barbosa: question

David7 Bravin: Thanks Alia, Patrice please

Patrice Charmann: Regarding payments via PayPal... will we need to discontinue automatic payments to 3RG or will they just stop or transfer to 3rd Wind. I'm still having payments come out to 3RG

Alia Soulstar: My understanding is...

Dolfke Barbosa: comment

Alia Soulstar: 3RG are refunding any payments from a month ago, yes, you need to stop a/ps here,  no they don't transfer.

Patrice Charmann: Okay, thank you!

Alia Soulstar: yes please set up with 3rd wind

Patrice Charmann: Link or e-mail to do that?

Alia Soulstar: we will email you with your options (within 48 hours)

Patrice Charmann: Perfect!

David7 Bravin: Thanks Alia,  Michel please

Michel Farrell: Will the website of 3rg get a message that it closes and that we move to ZetaWorlds ?  End

Alia Soulstar: Can I pass on that question, perhaps Dol or Tara know?

David7 Bravin: I think that is something for members of the Board to answer

Dolfke Barbosa: I commented earlier

David7 Bravin: Please go ahead Dolfke

Dolfke Barbosa: first @ Patrice / 3RG can't stop any Paypal payments herself, only the Paypal owner can do that, so pls stop any more payments.

Patrice Charmann: Thank you, I will.

Dolfke Barbosa: With the last funds on our Paypal account we will be able to make a final payment (donation) to our Artists who contributed here many times a month.

Dolfke Barbosa: second @website / we will try to do that, if we still can find the access to that page, you know, Kira did all those stuff for us earlier.

David7 Bravin: Thanks Dolfke

Alia Soulstar: good to hear about the artist payments Dol

David7 Bravin: If I may ask ?........ Is there anyway for the 3RG Board to inform everyone directly about the migration to ZetaWorlds and the need to join 3rd Wind please ?

Dolfke Barbosa: comment

David7 Bravin: Go ahead please Dolfke

Dolfke Barbosa: I have emailed all the paying customers who owned and payed for their Region(s)  I do not have any list of the other emails from our residents who are free members without any land they pay for. : end

David7 Bravin: Thanks Dolfke, Georgina please

Georgina Mills: Do we still have a community meeting in Zetaworlds or just attend their meetings in future?  Are we independent as a grid still?

Alia Soulstar: we will have monthly meetings (cont) 3RD Wind will operate as a not for profit although we are not seeking the legal standing of a NFP. Nevertheless we are handling your funds and selling you services so we believe it is beholden on us to be completely transparent with our accounts.... they will be presented at meetings. Also... We are a self governing community that after this transition phase will be electing it's leadership and making decisions by consensus. These things require meetings and voting and what not. I hope everyone attends them.  end

David7 Bravin: Thanks Alia. Just checking Dolfke - that you are wanting to comment on what Aia has just said, (as Michel is next to speak)

Dolfke Barbosa: comment to Alia

David7 Bravin: Go ahead please Dolfke

Dolfke Barbosa: don't call it payments for services, but "donations", Alia

Nila Shvaress: I had a comment about the email notification topic which may have been missed

David7 Bravin: Thanks Dolfke

Alia Soulstar: yes, fair point Dolfke, donations and favours not services

David7 Bravin: I must have missed you Nila - please make your comment now

Nila Shvaress: I can email the Starfleet people about the migration, but I do think it's also a good idea for Captains in 3RG to remind their crew about it

David7 Bravin: Thanks Nila, Michel please.

Alia Soulstar: good point, we haven't sighted a few crew people in Zeta yet

Michel Farrell: We can still post on facebook and mewe to inform people. And maybe Hypergrid Business ? End

Alia Soulstar: Michel...Thanks for that, yes quite right. I am talking to Thirza who has an extensive OS network with her blogs. We can write an article for HG Business, an excellent idea

David7 Bravin: Thanks Alia, I haven't anyone else on my list waiting to speak (unless I have missed anyone)

PurplePenny Broome: Raises hand

David7 Bravin: Yes Penny

PurplePenny Broome: I coudl ask asaffia in SL whether she wants to run an article in Prim Perfcet.  It used to cover other worlds but I haven't read it recently. *Saffia, *Prim Perfect

Alia Soulstar: Please do Penny

PurplePenny Broome: OK, will do.

David7 Bravin: As there are no more questions - Would you care to sum up Alia ?

Alia Soulstar: thanks David. Thanks to the really hard work of Ellemir and our other helpers, this move has been a lot smoother than I anticipated. The admins at Zeta are very helpful and accommodating and willing to try novel solutions and the fps speeds we're getting over there are great... and we are making contacts with nice people over there and extanding our circle, which again is great... hopefully within a week or two we will be having events, running missions and all the normal stuff, so, I'm very optimistic we made the right group choice last weekend, a big ups to you all, thanks !!!

Dolfke Barbosa: comment

David7 Bravin: Many thanks Alia - and to all your helpers

Ellemir Maven: Comment

David7 Bravin: Yes Dolfke

Dolfke Barbosa: The USS Einstein will fly again Monday May 20th. end

David7 Bravin: Thanks Dolfke, Yes Ellemir?

Ellemir Maven: So far, those we met at zeta have been nothing but friendly and welcoming.  We had about five people come to the weekly celtic capers on Friday and then join us at the beach afterparty, five people not from here I meant.

David7 Bravin: understood - thanks Eleemir

David7 Bravin: I now declare the  meeting over

JayR Cela: is there a meeting next week here in 3RG ?

Alia Soulstar: yes, might be the last.

Ellemir Maven: Our last one before the 5 servers shut down.  When is the drop dead date Dol?

Dolfke Barbosa: May 14th, but they are payed for one month more, so they will still be available for us when needed till June.

Alia Soulstar: oh yeah, And Eldo will hold OARs for some time after it has closed if they are needed.

David7 Bravin: Bye everyone - take care.

Story to continue in : My Virtual Life after 3rd Rock Grid's Closure : Part 9 

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