Sunday, June 21, 2020

OpenSim : HyperGrid : Speed Boat Realism Effect Part 4 : My First Video

By Avatar JayR Cela

     This is one of many test's I am planning in order to promote the Motor Sport of Speed Boat Racing in OpenSIm. Check out this video.

    This is working out well so far.


JayR Cela :_)


Al Scotch said...

Nice try.
If you can make the speed of a boat more realistic ( 50mph instead of over 200) than you can rez bow splashes and the wake will look more real.
And I won't get motion sick.

JayR Cela said...

Hi there Al / the whole idea is speed man, how fast can you go and push the limits and capabilities of the Grid and region, all the while while fine tuning your driving skills. It's fun man / but if you browse back in the blog to Part 3 of this series of post's you can see I have all ready addressed this issue / all of the Wave Bumps can be uniformly adjusted to an appropriate height level / and I do have a few calmer events in the works that will require a lowering of Wave Bump assembly.
Thank you for bringing this up, not every one is interested in driving around like a madman / LOL :_)

I'm also glad you brought up the issue of the trailing particles as the boat is moving, I think I may be able to adjust some parameters in the script responsible for this function so to expand the width and height of the particles and at the same time condensing the overall togetherness of them, it may possible to create an actual Rooster Tail effect off the back end on the boats. Hey if you have any idea's and would like to do some experimentation / please feel welcome to stop by for a visit, if I'm not online, leave me a message or send a notecard and i'll get back with ya for sure.

here's the hypergrid jump address Central Lake

Thanks for taking the time to comment, come on over any time

JayR :_)_